In order to obtain the Degree of Postgraduate Studies (MSc), the successful attendance of fourteen courses and the preparation of a thesis is required. More specifically, the course schedule of the program is structured as follows:
Business Administration
This course analyzes the modern dimensions of management in the context of today's complex and dynamic business environment. The functions of management and the role of the manager in the development of a global organization and in the decision-making process are examined. Also, the role of organizational behavior, modern communication and negotiation techniques and procedures, the development of crisis and conflict management policies in the workplace are analyzed. Moreover, the course examines the role of organizational culture, organizational change management processes, and the introduction and diffusion of innovations, which are very important dimensions that contribute significantly to the development of modern enterprises and organizations, as well as to the continuous effort to improve their competitiveness and efficiency.
Human resource Management
Personality analysis, group dynamics and communication are the basic topics of this course. The various aspects and dimensions of the connection "employee - work environment - company - control" are analyzed. Important parameters of "working groups" and "committees" are distinguished. Also, the mechanism of motivation is presented, as well as its important considerations along with its connection to performance and productivity. Diversity management issues (eg gender, multiculturalism) are considered. Finally, the key aspects of business ethics, employee ethics and the Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability strategy are highlighted.
Business Economics
The course presents the structure, functions, and processes necessary for the establishment and development of an economic organization. Also, the nature and objectives of the business, the decision-making process, corporate strategies, the management of the production process and business costs, the principles governing the operation of the market, and the behavior of enterprises in the wider economic and social context are analyzed. Other topics include strategic interactions in markets and their impact on market structure and welfare, the functioning of financial markets and the effects on business, the analysis of uncertainty and business risk.
Financial Management – Investment Analysis
The course aims at the theoretical and practical training of the participants in Financial Management, so that they can meet the demands of the modern, globalized and highly competitive economic environment. In addition, the course analyzes the methods of determining whether an investment has been correctly valued by investors in the market. The modern approach emphasizes not only the assessment of investment returns, but also the risk involved in these investments, even more so when they make up a portfolio.
Digital Marketing
Today's era is characterized by the digital economy and electronic business activity. In the context of the course, the internet, the challenges and the opportunities it offers are examined. Measurability possibilities are analyzed in pursuit of results-oriented corporate targeting. The methodology for planning, implementing and improving the digital promotion strategy for products and services is also examined. A thorough development of digital marketing modules is carried out in order to understand the challenges, strategies, techniques and models of its development, with the aim of improving the corporate name. Subjects such as IT, business administration and marketing will be explored during the course, in order to provide comprehensive training for the planning and implementation of digital sales promotion strategies and actions. The expected result is the comparative analysis of alternative ways of digital promotion depending on the target market, and finding the best solution.
This course provides an in-depth analysis of the role of innovation and entrepreneurship for corporate growth in the contemporary international competitive environment. The dimensions, the legal framework and the types of entrepreneurship and innovation are examined. The main dimensions and role of social innovation and social entrepreneurship are analyzed. The process of developing innovation and entrepreneurship with a focus on sustainability is highlighted. Evidence of the development of creativity as well as the sources of innovation are presented. The course aims to help students to obtain the basic knowledge and skills in order to be able to create plans for enterprising and innovative actions, applying the Business Canvas Model. The different entrepreneurship and innovation options available in supply chain management are also described, and the opportunities in different markets and different industries for the development of the strategic pursuit of innovation are distinguished.
Financial Accounting
The course presents the basic concepts of accounting related to the accounting circuit followed by the accounting office of a company, with particular emphasis on the preparation of accounting statements. In addition, the course offers the necessary theoretical background to understand and assimilate advanced topics in financial accounting, auditing and financial analysis.
Principles of Macroeconomics and International Economics
The purpose of the course is to present the basic principles and tools of Macroeconomics and International Economics so that students understand how macroeconomic and external conditions affect the business environment as well as business activity and performance. The theoretical models are combined with the presentation of empirical studies, exercises and examples from the Greek Economy and the economies of other countries, mainly the members of the EU and the USA but also countries such as China and Japan.
Management Information Systems
A Management Information System provides information needed for organizations to manage efficiently almost all of their activities. In the context of the course, the three main sources of management information systems are examined: people, technology, and information. The analysis is performed on the group of information management methods that are linked to automation or support decision-making. Emphasis is placed on the study of information systems and the important role they play in the development of the human factor. The course will help students to familiarize with the use of information systems, new technology and the resulting challenges of electronic commerce. The decisive contribution of management information systems to project management and business strategic planning will also be studied. The study of information systems will provide knowledge and applicability to key issues in entrepreneurship, such as business intelligence, data mining, fifth generation technologies, and cloud computing.
Supply Chain & Value Chain Management
In this course issues related to the design and operation of supply chains in enterprises and organizations are examined. The role of supply chains and value chains in shaping business and competitive strategies of companies is analyzed. Topics related to procurement management, inventory and warehouse management, product distribution, and order management are also examined. In addition, the specificities and main stakeholders of supply chains and value chains in various industries are presented. Finally, the contribution of supply chains to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development and the circular economy is highlighted.
Quantitative methods
The course focuses on data analysis and statistical methods used in managerial economics applications. The first module presents methods for collecting, describing and processing data in Excel and SPSS. The second module focuses on the fundamental statistical methods of quantitative analysis and inference. The course combines theory with practice and students will gain hands-on experience, applying the various methods using appropriate software programs.
Software Engineering and Data Processing
In the context of the course, the basic concepts of programming in the Python language and ways to process data with this language are presented. The material includes source code, algorithms, object-oriented design, NoSQL databases, and file manipulation. The components of programming such as reserved words, control statements, methods and objects, classes, constructors, basic data structures, exceptions, input / output and inheritance are taught.